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Ongoing and Upcoming Courses

Lecture: Life-long Machine Learning (03-IMAP-LLML, 6 ECTS) – SoSe 25

Mon 16:00-18:00 & Wed 10:00-12:00

Whereas machine learning has traditionally concentrated on static pre-defined training datasets and respective test scenarios, recent advances also take into account the fact that the world is constantly evolving. The course traverses the fundamentals of lifelong machine learning, spanning methodology of how to effectively learn in the present, remember the past, and anticipate an unknown future.

Seminar: Modern Perspectives on AI Sustainability (03-IMS-SUSAI, 3 ECTS) – SoSe 25

Thu 10:00-12:00

The seminar will cover the different aspects of AI sustainability. Students will get to engage with a variety of modern perspectives. Throughout the seminar, they will learn to critically engage with current assessments on AI’s impact, analyze the validity of claims with respect to economical, environmental and social sustainability, and separate opportunities from unaddressed harms.

Project: MOCCA (03-AI-PJ-MOCCA, 12 ECTS) – SoSe 25 & WiSe 25/26

Fri 10:00-12:00

In the Multi-Objective Continual Coffee Automation (MOCCA) student project, we will make use of various machine learning tools to go from a package of coffee beans to drinks that are catered to individual preferences. This involves several crucial steps that will be pursued in the project, spanning data acquisition & dataset creation, continual machine learning, inclusion of preferences and natural language feedback.

Previous Courses

Course: Continual Machine Learning – Summer 2024

Course 20-00-1135-vl to teach the foundations of lifelong and continual machine learning at TU Darmstadt.

Offered in person at TU Darmstadt every Friday from 14:25 to 16:05 CEST from April 19th until July 19th, 2024. See TUCAN for full details.

Tutorial: Pillars of Forgetting & Lifelong Evaluation at DAICOW-MICCAI 2023

A 30 minute tutorial that provides the intuition behind techniques to mitigate catastrophic forgetting and ways to evaluate them. Presented at DAICOW: The 1st MICCAI Tutorial on Dynamic and Continual AI for Medical Imaging. Video recording available.

Summer School: Machine Learning Beyond Static Datasets – ESSAI 2023

A five day course offered at ESSAI 2023 from July 24th to July 28th in Ljubljana, Slovenia in a hybrid format. Lectures have been recorded as part of the summer school and are publicly available on their platform (materials & links provided on the course page)

Course: Continual Machine Learning – Summer 2023

Second iteration of the Course 20-00-1135-vl, offered in person at TU Darmstadt every Friday from 14:25 to 16:05 CEST from April 14th until July 14th, 2023. Materials largely analogous and slightly updated to the previously offered “Open World Lifelong Learning” on YouTube, with recordings and materials available publicly, see below.

Course: Continual Machine Learning – Summer 2022

Course 20-00-1135-vl offered in person at TU Darmstadt, every Friday from 14:25 to 16:05 CEST from April 22nd until July 15th. Offered as “Open World Lifelong Learning” on YouTube, lecture recordings and materials are public on the course webpage. A playlist of all videos is also available through the ContinualAI Youtube channel.