Prof. Dr. Martin Mundt

Short Bio: Martin Mundt is the professor for lifelong machine learning at the University of Bremen, leading the OWL-ML lab. Prior to joining the University of Bremen, Martin was a junior research group leader and visiting professor at TU Darmstadt and hessian.AI. He holds a PhD in computer science and a Master’s of Physics from Goethe University Frankfurt.
Research focus: Martin’s central mission is to develop AI systems that continue learning throughout their lifecycles. This capability for lifelong machine learning – a key ability of the human brain – is pivotal to render AI systems more adaptive, robust and inclusive. As such, Martin believes that lifelong learning is an essential missing element to make AI both technologically and socially more sustainable.
Community Commitment: Martin is also a board member of directors at the non-profit organization ContinualAI and core-organizer at Queer in AI. He currently serves as Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) chair at CoLLAs 2025, was previously DEI Chair at AAAI-24 and Review Process Chair for CoLLAs-24. He regularly mentors, e.g. at CoLLAs, ACML, or the CLAI Unconference.
Publications: OWL-ML related work can be found on the publications page. For a full set of publications, please refer to Google Scholar.
- AISTATS 2024 outstanding student paper highlight for “Deep Classifier Mimicry Without Data Access” (in the role of supervisor)
- ACM FAccT 2023 best paper for “Queer in AI: A Case Study in Community-Led Participatory AI”
- Journal of Imaging issue 8, 2022 cover & feature story for “Unified Probabilistic Deep Continual Learning through Generativer Replay and Open Set Recognition”
- CLVISION 2021 best library award at CVPR for the software library Avalanche
- Outstanding reviewer awards at AISTATS 22, UAI 22, ECCV 22, NeurIPS 22, UAI 23
- Best computer science lecture at TU Darmstadt in 2022 for the lecture “Continual Machine Learning”
- Best PhD thesis award in natural sciences at Goethe University in the year 2021